Providing EPOS solutions to the hospitality sector for over 20 years

4 Ways You Can Keep Customers Coming Back


Keep Customers Coming Back within 4 steps to grow up your business and achieve your goals. Find out how Customers' loyalty is important.

Every business needs to keep customers coming back

We are in the age of the empowered customer. Where decisions made by them affect your business more than you think. If you could have one thing that you feel would increase your business growth, what would it be? Many people may think that they need to have a skilled staff base. Others may feel that they need good enough services for a great review. But often, the most popular and important answer would be customer retention. Now all you need is to keep customers coming back.

Knowing that your customers are coming back allows you to know that your business is succeeding in some way. The value they are adding goes beyond just spending money. They will be able to give you a complimentary review and share their recommendations with others.

But how do we ensure that this keeps on happening? We keep them coming back for more.

Here are the top 4 ways we believe work the best in keeping your customers coming back:

1. Add Value to Keep Customers Coming Back

Customers these days are expecting more than just a receipt. They want the extra added value that isn’t just the bonus number of fries they get with their burger. They want to know that you are thinking about them with every decision you make. Adding extra benefits and ways to engage with them, and their loved ones is key.

First things first, look at your target audience. See what they like, what they don’t, the family they have, what their family likes, and so on. From there you can start thinking of ways to add value for them and those they bring along with them.

Ensure that you have a loyalty program where you can reward your customers for coming back. Add extra value by adding the extra benefits. Add value with competitive pricing and great customer service that gives them a reason to come back and spread the word about your business.

2. Be In Contact With Them

Get personal. And we don’t mean in a stalker way. All we are saying is that your customers need to know they are being thought of, and not just as a number. Reach out to your customers and ask for their opinion.

Find out what insights they have on the products and services you provide. Ask them how you could be improving. Set up a platform on your website with a feedback option. Allow them to fill out a form along with the receipt you give them. And keep them updated on what you should offer.

By doing this you can start to provide a more personal experience, one that is specifically tailored for your customers.

3. Pay Attention

Look to the smaller details. Understand that your customer base is made up of individuals, who all have their own opinion of what they like. If you see that your customer is not happy with the meal they are getting served, have the skills and ability to make something catered just for them.

You may own a restaurant, so perhaps consider having a “build your own” section that allows your customers to decide on the details of their meal. If you are running a hotel, have an option of the type of linen your customer prefers, allowing them to get an extra added benefit from their stay.

You want your customers to feel like they are the only one you are catering for. They want to feel like they are the most important person there. They want to feel comfortable.

4. Be easy

And no, we do not mean easy in the sense that your customers should be able to walk all over you. You just need to be easy to talk to and open to change.

When you are easy to do business with, customers notice. They notice when they receive a quick response from you. They notice when you take care of a complaint they may have had. And they become more lenient to do business with you.

Ensure that you have a system in place that will allow you to have a quick response rate. Whether it be an assistant who is always checking emails. Put systems in place that allow you to have an efficient system in place for orders and complaints. And always be available for conversation.

Dynamics have changed within a business, where the outcome of a customer’s actions has a profound consequence. This has led to the fact that everything is done to please the consumer. Data is gathered about what they like and how they like it, and the outcome of it provides significant value for a company and the way that they work.

Ensure that you are taking away any pain points and friction, and provide them with a way out. Give them something to look forward to and something they will want to share.

With the strategies given above, we believe that you will not only be able to understand your customer but please them beyond expectation.

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